- Firearms, signal guns , air guns , gas arms , ammunition, cold steel arms (including throwing weapons), electric shock devices and spark gaps, as well as major parts of a firearm
- Narcotics of any origin, psychotropic substances
- Radioactive substances
- Gunpowder, explosive, corrosive, flammable and other hazardous substances
- Drugs, food supplements, vitamins
- Animals and plants
- Food, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes
- Human remains and organs
- Antiques
- Jewelry, precious metals and stones
- Works of art
- Cash and cash instruments in any form: money orders, checks, vouchers, securities, bonds, coupons, promotions, credit cards
- Postage stamps
- Products and publication of obscene content, pornography of any kind
- Items prohibited by the World Association of Transport
- Items which require export licensing by the State Department or Commerce Department must be
accompanied by a license - Items that may pose a risk to workers, transporting parcels, soil or damage other items and equipment by their nature or packaging.
Additionally the following items are prohibited on air shipments:
- Bengal lights and fireworks
- Gases in any package, including pepper and tear gases
- Flammable liquids, perfumes, colognes, nail polishes, etc.
- Any fuel and empty containers from it
- All paints and its solvents
- Radioactive materials
- Corrosion inhibitors
- Pipe cleaners
- Oxygen-rich substances
- Containers with aerosols
- Cylinders for scuba diving
- Tanks for propane
- CO2 tanks
- Arms and ammunition
- Gunpowder
- Dry ice
- A tool that runs on fuel
- Lighters and its filling
- Matches
- Rechargeable batteries, power supplies, batteries
- Alcohol-based agents, perfumes, nail polishes and hair
- Alcoholic beverages
- Absorbers, and other used spare parts or containing lubricating fluids and materials
A specific list of restricted items can be found on your countries customs website.